Global Vision and Cultural Literacy

皇冠足彩app拥有全球视野,涵盖所有文化,触及个人和家庭与北卡罗来纳州的关系. That nexus can arise in many family situations. You may live abroad, but you have a child, spouse, former spouse, or grandchild residing in North Carolina. 你可以持绿卡或工作签证住在北卡罗来纳州. Or you may be a U.S. citizen with a rich cultural international background.


我们的律师有处理涉及大多数国际文化的家庭法案件的经验. While we are located in Greensboro, North Carolina, 我们的客户与以下国家有相关联系, continents, and their cultures.

  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Colombia, South America
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union, most countries
  • Switzerland
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Vietnam
  • South Korea
  • Australia
  • India
  • South Africa
  • Nigeria
  • Somalia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
International Nexus

你的家庭法律问题可能有一个国际关系,由于各种原因需要独特的专业知识. We outline some of these global issues below, but the list is not exhaustive, 我们鼓励进行初步磋商,讨论你们的特殊国际形势.

  1. 我们了解在北卡罗来纳州儿童监护案件或海牙条约下与国际儿童绑架有关的案件中出现的文化或国际问题. 我们理解你的文化背景对标准化考试的影响, such as the MMPI II, frequently given in child custody evaluations.
  2. The property division case may be in North Carolina, but there may be assets or liabilities in other countries.
  3. 我们了解如何满足您对视频约会和时区的需求, 我们可以在你醒着的时候妥善处理你的案子, wherever you are located.
  4. We understand expatriate income tax returns.
  5. 我们理解外国皇冠足彩的破坏,不包括在美国的养老金和退休基金.S., and we can take appropriate steps to protect your rights.
  6. 我们理解国际儿童与父母和祖父母的探视.
  7. 我们理解与移民和所有移民类别相关的支持宣誓书, although we do not do immigration law.
  8. We understand how domestic violence can cause deportation.
  9. 我们了解语言障碍,如果您没有家人可以帮助您与律师会面,我们可以帮助您找到翻译. 法庭有官方的法庭事务翻译,我们理解申请程序.
  10. 我们了解国际儿童诱拐和必要的保障措施, particularly with non-Hague countries.
  11. We understand parents with children in U.S. boarding schools.
  12. 我们了解你们丰富的文化和国际背景,我们对此表示尊重.
Hofstede's Model of National Culture

在Hofstede的文化价值框架中,我们从四个因素来分析文化多样性问题:权力, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity (Hofsteade, G., 2001).


Hofstede analyzed power on a continuum from high to low. High power countries, such as India and China, view authority as concentrated at the top and authoritative; people may expect to be told what to do, which is a more autocratic approach. The United States is categorized as low in power needs, with collaboration and a more democratic approach.

在高权力结构中,孩子们被期望服从父母和长辈,并表现出尊重. 高权力结构不太可能挑战教师的权威角色, 这与美国的教育结构形成了鲜明对比,后者认为每个人都是平等的,并会挑战老师的权威, for example. 你的权力背景可能会影响你对北卡罗莱纳州法院系统权威的看法.

Individualism and Collectivism

Collectivism focuses on the family group as a whole unit, and it is important to be part of the in-group. The group as a whole is measured for success. 个人主义关注个人,奖励个人成就. 中国家庭的个人主义倾向较低,注重家庭群体和大家庭. 一个孩子是作为大家庭的一部分出生的,与大家庭接触是很重要的. Regardless of the religion of the Chinese family, Confucian respect of elders is present and must be honored. 美国人通常不太注重集体主义,而是注重个人. 在你的律师的辩论中,解释文化多样性的这一部分可能对你的案件很重要,以确保法官理解文化多样性的这些要点.

Uncertainty Avoidance

不确定性规避评估了文化对风险和不可预测情况的自然倾向, such as an unpredictable outcome in court. 不确定性连续体的高分意味着该文化寻求避免风险. Low scores embrace risk. 让我们面对现实吧,在美国,法院裁决总是一种风险,而且可能相当不可预测. 美国人比来自墨西哥的移民更愿意接受风险, France, Spain, or Greece, whose cultures do not embrace risk.


Hofstede的最后一个维度是男性气质和性别角色观. 在高度男性化的文化中,性别角色非常明确,工作是第一位的. 在男性至上的文化中,人们可能会为了获得更高的地位和金钱而工作更长时间. 低男子气概的文化,如法国和西班牙,崇尚休闲. Because the Hofstede studies involved work situations, 人们必须谨慎地将男性因素应用于儿童监护情况. 在北卡罗来纳州,没有基于父母性别的父母偏好. Men can receive spousal support from women, 北卡罗来纳州的家庭法平等、公平地接纳所有性别取向.


伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所拥有全球视角,将从各个方面审视您的案件, including any rich cultural background and needs. 我们将配合您的国际时间表和您独特的国际资产. 如果您正在寻找一个全球视野,我们是您的律师事务所.


Hofstede, G., "文化后果:比较不同国家的价值观、行为和制度," 2d edition, 2001, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications.